155 research outputs found

    Organizational culture in Serbian companies according to the Denison Model

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    The phenomenon of organisational culture is an important source of competitiveness of today's organisations, and therefore, organisational culture is an important research topic of modern management science. Finding the balance between diametrically opposite requirements, for stability and flexibility, is a challenge in managing organisations in a modern business environment. These requirements are incorporated into Denison's model of organisational culture, applied in this research on companies in Serbia. According to the Denison model, organisational stability factors are its mission and consistency, while factors that characterise its flexibility are the organisation's adaptability and the involvement of employees. A well-formulated mission with which all employees are familiar makes the organisation unique on the path to achieving the desired goal. Consistence that relates to a well-defined system of values and rules facilitates resolving conflicts and other problems in the day-to-day functioning of the organisation. On the other hand, organisations with high participation of employees are more efficient and more likely to implement changes, while the ability to quickly and adequately adapt to challenges from the environment allows organisations to preserve their competitiveness on the market The obtained results of the research showed that there is a balance of the factors of stability and flexibility, which according to the model is a welcomed result, but also that there is a significant place for improvements in the organisational culture. The results presented in this paper may serve as useful information for policymakers to plan changes that improve business efficiency

    Organizational culture in Serbia in relation to the characteristics of organization: Empirical reserch

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    U savremenim uslovima poslovanja organizaciona kultura prepoznata je kao moćno sredstvo za dugoročni opstanak i razvoj organizacije. Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti da li i na koji način karakteristike organizacija - poput veličine, vlasničke strukture, delatnosti, činjenice da li je vlasništvo domaće ili strano - utiču na organizacionu kulturu. Zbog kontinuiranih i brzih promena i ogromne konkurencije kao odlike savremenog poslovanja, izabran je Denisonov model organizacione kulture jer naglašava potrebu za ravnotežom između zahteva za organizacionom stabilnošću (faktori misije i doslednosti) i zahteva za njenom adaptabilnošću (faktori uključenosti i prilagodljivosti). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo uzorak od 1.000 zaposlenih, a podaci su statistički obrađeni metodom one-way ANOVA. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju uticaj organizacionih karakteristika na njenu sposobnost uravnoteženja unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg fokusa organizacije, stabilnost i sposobnost promene. Takođe, uočena je potreba za nekom vrstom organizacione kulturne transformacije kao odgovora na promenu paradigme u širem okruženju.In modern business conditions, organizational culture is recognized as a powerful tool for long-term survival and development of the organization. The purpose of this paper was to research whether and in what way the characteristics of organizations - such as its size, ownership structure, activity, domestic or foreign - influence the organizational culture. Because of continuous and rapid changes and enormous competition, which are features of modern business, the Denison model of organizational culture was chosen because it emphasizes the need for balance between requirements for organizational stability (factors of mission and consistency) and requirements for its adaptability (factors of involvement and adaptability). The survey covered a sample of 1,000 employees and the data was statistically processed using the one-way ANOVA method. The obtained results show the influence of organizational characteristics on its ability to balance the internal and external focus of the organization, its stability, and its ability to change. Likewise, there should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment

    Organizational culture in Serbia in relation to the characteristics of organization: Empirical reserch

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    U savremenim uslovima poslovanja organizaciona kultura prepoznata je kao moćno sredstvo za dugoročni opstanak i razvoj organizacije. Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti da li i na koji način karakteristike organizacija - poput veličine, vlasničke strukture, delatnosti, činjenice da li je vlasništvo domaće ili strano - utiču na organizacionu kulturu. Zbog kontinuiranih i brzih promena i ogromne konkurencije kao odlike savremenog poslovanja, izabran je Denisonov model organizacione kulture jer naglašava potrebu za ravnotežom između zahteva za organizacionom stabilnošću (faktori misije i doslednosti) i zahteva za njenom adaptabilnošću (faktori uključenosti i prilagodljivosti). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo uzorak od 1.000 zaposlenih, a podaci su statistički obrađeni metodom one-way ANOVA. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju uticaj organizacionih karakteristika na njenu sposobnost uravnoteženja unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg fokusa organizacije, stabilnost i sposobnost promene. Takođe, uočena je potreba za nekom vrstom organizacione kulturne transformacije kao odgovora na promenu paradigme u širem okruženju.In modern business conditions, organizational culture is recognized as a powerful tool for long-term survival and development of the organization. The purpose of this paper was to research whether and in what way the characteristics of organizations - such as its size, ownership structure, activity, domestic or foreign - influence the organizational culture. Because of continuous and rapid changes and enormous competition, which are features of modern business, the Denison model of organizational culture was chosen because it emphasizes the need for balance between requirements for organizational stability (factors of mission and consistency) and requirements for its adaptability (factors of involvement and adaptability). The survey covered a sample of 1,000 employees and the data was statistically processed using the one-way ANOVA method. The obtained results show the influence of organizational characteristics on its ability to balance the internal and external focus of the organization, its stability, and its ability to change. Likewise, there should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment

    Organizational culture in Serbian companies according to the Denison Model

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    The phenomenon of organisational culture is an important source of competitiveness of today's organisations, and therefore, organisational culture is an important research topic of modern management science. Finding the balance between diametrically opposite requirements, for stability and flexibility, is a challenge in managing organisations in a modern business environment. These requirements are incorporated into Denison's model of organisational culture, applied in this research on companies in Serbia. According to the Denison model, organisational stability factors are its mission and consistency, while factors that characterise its flexibility are the organisation's adaptability and the involvement of employees. A well-formulated mission with which all employees are familiar makes the organisation unique on the path to achieving the desired goal. Consistence that relates to a well-defined system of values and rules facilitates resolving conflicts and other problems in the day-to-day functioning of the organisation. On the other hand, organisations with high participation of employees are more efficient and more likely to implement changes, while the ability to quickly and adequately adapt to challenges from the environment allows organisations to preserve their competitiveness on the market The obtained results of the research showed that there is a balance of the factors of stability and flexibility, which according to the model is a welcomed result, but also that there is a significant place for improvements in the organisational culture. The results presented in this paper may serve as useful information for policymakers to plan changes that improve business efficiency

    An analysis of random mechanical failures of bucket wheel excavator

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    In this article random mechanical failures of bucket wheel excavator at open cast mine "Tamnava Zapad" are analysed. Random mechanical failures of mining equipment may represent an important factor in coal production because these types of failures occur unpredictably. Some of the reasons for the occurrence of such failures are unde-tectable defects, unexplainable causes, and unavoidable failures. In addition, here we have failure of equipment that has a large investment and productivity value. Statistical regularity of the component failure distribution of this system is analysed based on dispatcher's reports about EBS system failures in the period 2003-2011. The proposed distribution is analysed by theoretically, using suitable tests. By using statistical distribution we get the expected uptime of the bucket wheel excavator, for each year, which represents an important factor in maintenance programs and periodic inspections/repairs on bucket wheel excavator and mining components, in general

    Structural Integrity - Historical Context

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    In this paper the focus is on a historic context of a few milestones in the development of structural integrity, which closely follow development of human civilization. Starting from the Great Pyramids in ancient Egypt, this story leads us through the history of stone, concrete and metal constructions as follows: Hagia Sophia, stone (Mostar) and iron (Shropshire) bridges, skyscrapers (Eiffel tower, Burj Khalifa) and sky reaching airplanes (Airbus A380). In each case, the most important aspects of structural integrity are presented, as well as an analysis of driving force for its creation. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Stojan Sedmak (1929-2014), father of the fracture mechanics in South East Europe and the author of the original version of the paper, written 10 years ago with different focus, [1]

    The involvement of employees as a flexibility factor of companies in the Republic of Serbia: Empirical research

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    Adekvatno i pravovremeno reagovanje u uslovima stalnih promena od suštinskog je značaja za opstanak kompanije. Kapacitet za takvo reagovanje se meri stepenom fleksibilnosti pri čemu se pod fleksibilnošću podrazumeva sposobnost da se kompanija promeni ili da se lako menja u skladu sa situacijom. Fenomen fleksibilnosti može se ostvariti kompletnijim uključivanjem zaposlenih u sistem funkcionisanja organizacije, što podrazumeva razvijanje njihovih potencijala, participaciju u donošenju odluka i samostalno organizovanje posla, slobodu u preduzimanju inicijativa, dobar sistem informisanja, podsticanje timske orjentisanosti i interaktivnosti zaposlenih u ostvarivanju organizacionih ciljeva. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se kroz empirijsko istraživanje prikaže stepen uključenosti zaposlenih u organizacijama u Srbiji, da se identifikuju faktori koji utiču na njen razvoj i analizira razlika uključenosti zaposlenih u domaćim i stranim kompanijama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno putem upitnika baziranog na Denisonovom modelu organizacione kulture pri čemu je uzorak veličine 1000 ispitanika. Podaci su statistički obrađeni i interpretirani. Rezultati su pokazali da privredna društva u Republici Srbiji još treba da rade na unapređenju uključivanja zaposlenih u život kompanije, da kod donošenja odluka postoji razlika između stranih i domaćih kompanija i da timski rad jeste bitan faktor uključivanja zaposlenih.Adequate and timely response in terms of permanent changes is essential for the survival of any company. The capacity for such response is measured by degree of flexibility, whereby flexibility is the ability of the company to change itself or to be easily changed according to any given situation. The phenomenon of flexibility can be achieved by more complete involvement of employees in the system of organization functioning, including development of their resources, participation in decision-making and self-organization of work, freedom to undertake initiatives, a good system of information, and encouragement of team orientation and interactivity of employees in achieving organizational goals. The study's aim is to show, through empirical research, a degree of employees' involvement in companies in Serbia, to identify the factors that influence its development and analyze difference in involvement in domestic and foreign companies. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire based on Denison model of organizational culture whereby the sample size 1000 respondents. Data were statistically analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that companies in Serbia still need to work on improving involvement of employees in a company life, that there is difference between domestic and foreign companies in decisions making and that the team work is the main factor of involvement of employees

    The involvement of employees as a flexibility factor of companies in the Republic of Serbia: Empirical research

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    Adekvatno i pravovremeno reagovanje u uslovima stalnih promena od suštinskog je značaja za opstanak kompanije. Kapacitet za takvo reagovanje se meri stepenom fleksibilnosti pri čemu se pod fleksibilnošću podrazumeva sposobnost da se kompanija promeni ili da se lako menja u skladu sa situacijom. Fenomen fleksibilnosti može se ostvariti kompletnijim uključivanjem zaposlenih u sistem funkcionisanja organizacije, što podrazumeva razvijanje njihovih potencijala, participaciju u donošenju odluka i samostalno organizovanje posla, slobodu u preduzimanju inicijativa, dobar sistem informisanja, podsticanje timske orjentisanosti i interaktivnosti zaposlenih u ostvarivanju organizacionih ciljeva. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se kroz empirijsko istraživanje prikaže stepen uključenosti zaposlenih u organizacijama u Srbiji, da se identifikuju faktori koji utiču na njen razvoj i analizira razlika uključenosti zaposlenih u domaćim i stranim kompanijama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno putem upitnika baziranog na Denisonovom modelu organizacione kulture pri čemu je uzorak veličine 1000 ispitanika. Podaci su statistički obrađeni i interpretirani. Rezultati su pokazali da privredna društva u Republici Srbiji još treba da rade na unapređenju uključivanja zaposlenih u život kompanije, da kod donošenja odluka postoji razlika između stranih i domaćih kompanija i da timski rad jeste bitan faktor uključivanja zaposlenih.Adequate and timely response in terms of permanent changes is essential for the survival of any company. The capacity for such response is measured by degree of flexibility, whereby flexibility is the ability of the company to change itself or to be easily changed according to any given situation. The phenomenon of flexibility can be achieved by more complete involvement of employees in the system of organization functioning, including development of their resources, participation in decision-making and self-organization of work, freedom to undertake initiatives, a good system of information, and encouragement of team orientation and interactivity of employees in achieving organizational goals. The study's aim is to show, through empirical research, a degree of employees' involvement in companies in Serbia, to identify the factors that influence its development and analyze difference in involvement in domestic and foreign companies. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire based on Denison model of organizational culture whereby the sample size 1000 respondents. Data were statistically analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that companies in Serbia still need to work on improving involvement of employees in a company life, that there is difference between domestic and foreign companies in decisions making and that the team work is the main factor of involvement of employees

    The Reliability of Bucket Wheel Excavator - Review of Random Mechanical Failures

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    Statistical regularity of random mechanical failures of the bucket wheel excavator will be considered based on dispatcher’s reports about excavator-conveyors-spreader (ECS-III) on the Tamnava - West Field Open Cast Mine in Lazarevac (Serbia) system failures in the period from 2003 to 2011. This kind of failures happens suddenly due to undetectable defects, unexplainable causes, and unavoidable failures. Reliability functions R(t), failure rate λ(t) and failure density f(t) of the bucket wheel excavator will be empirically determined. It was concluded that the random failures could be well approximated by the Exponential distribution. Below, serial reliability configuration of the BWE subsystem was analysed and the failure frequency as well as the values of the failure rate by subsystems were determined. Finally, proactive maintenance approach, which represents the latest innovation in the field of maintenance, will be presented. This approach to maintenance utilizes various technologies in order to achieve extension of operational life and elimination of reactive maintenance

    Participation of employees in the making of marketing decisions in enterprises in Serbia

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    Contemporary approaches to the analysis of business activities of modern organizational systems are focusing on human resources and considering them the most important property. Participation of employees in the decision-making process contributes to the improvement of company's performances, and also to the satisfaction and motivation of employees. Objective of this research paper is to point out to the significance of employees' participation in the making of strategic decisions in an enterprise and to examine the share of employees in the making of marketing decisions in Serbia's economy. Through empirical analysis presented in this work, we analyzed the level of involvement of employees in the process of making marketing decisions through the presentation of their attitudes depending on their personal characteristics, type of organization and their position in the organization. The results obtained say that there is room for increasing the level of employees' involvement in the process of making marketing decisions, as well as the influence of age and hierarchical positions on the possibility of influencing the decision-making process